KIVA welcomes Jamie Navenma to our team!
KIVA is proud to announce the addition of Mr. Jamie Navenma to the KIVA Team to fill the tremendous need in Indian Country for addressing tribal housing program needs, especially during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Jamie comes with years of knowledge and experience in Housing & Urban Development (HUD) with a focus on the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA); and serving tribes throughout Indian Country. Jamie will play an important role in helping tribes and Tribally Designated Indian Housing Entities with their housing development programs and projects. The CARES Act provided funding for Indian Housing Block Grants (IHBG) and Indian Community Development Block Grants (ICDBG); and with the addition of Jamie, KIVA will help tribes secure and administer COVID-19 Relief Funds. In doing so, KIVA will help with compliance reviews of existing housing programs, assist with the tribes’ development and submittal of abbreviated Indian Housing Plans (IHPs) and other HUD-ONAP requirements. We offer this immediate technical assistance to tribal nations. We will also offer intermediate and long-term technical assistance services, such as training on Indian Housing Management, Indian Housing Plans/Annual Performance Reports (IHP/APR), Admission and Occupancy, NAHASDA Essentials, Policy Development, Review and Revisions, Housing Boards and Responsibilities; and consulting services in all areas of housing programs. For more information, please contact us at 1.866.202.5482, or [email protected]. To contact Jamie directly he can be reached at 1.866.202.5482 x 12 and at [email protected].