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Leasing Facilities under Pub. L. 93-638: Section 105(l); 25 CFR Part 900; Subpart H

The Indian Self-Determination Act, Public Law 93-638 provides for tribal nations and tribal organizations to lease their facilities to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Education, and the Indian Health Service as part of carrying out their PL 93-638 programs. Some tribes and tribal organizations are now taking advantage of this opportunity to meet their building expenses, such as:

  • Rental and lease payments

  • Operational expenses including utilities, building maintenance and operation, repair and replacement costs, water and sewage, fuel, insurance, fire protection

  • Building and equipment repairs

  • Upgrade of facilities through alterations & expansions

  • Depreciation & Use Allowance

  • Security services & management fees

Buildings and Office space have always been limited or non-existent for tribes to use in carrying out federal contract and grant programs. This provision, section 105 (I) of the Indian Self-Determination Act, helps address these needs.

                   Click here to open the presentation and learn more about this program.

The KIVA Team can assist you in identifying the buildings you propose to lease to the federal government, and help you prepare, submit and negotiate lease proposals. Register for this free webinar scheduled for 11/14/22.

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