9/28 – 9/30 Tulalip, WA
Why I Should Attend?
Indian tribes and tribal organizations operate two basic types of federally funded programs: (1) Discretionary Grant Programs; and (2) Entitlement Programs. Discretionary grants are one-time competitive grants. Entitlement Programs, such as Public Law 93-638 contracts and compacts, are recurring programs. Federal rules that apply to these programs differ in many respects, yet there are similarities. OMB issued new regulations in 2013 to consolidate several OMB Circulars into one set of regulations (2 CFR Part 200) that many refer to as the “Super Circular”. OMB revised the regulations in 2020 to specifically address the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), (Public Law 117-2). While the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has not been enacted, funds under the new legislation will be also governed by the OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements.
The OMB regulations govern federal grant management, grant reporting, cost principles, indirect costs, grant match and cost sharing, and annual audits. The regulations apply to Indian tribes, tribal organizations, states and local governments, non-profit organizations, hospitals, universities, etc. With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, Congress provided special emergency relief funding through the CARES Act of 2020, Public Law 116-136, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), Public Law 117-2. Congress is currently in deliberations on a new Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to provide for the nation’s infrastructure needs. These funds are subject to certain provisions of the OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements, including annual audits. Office of Management & Budget (OMB), in August 2020, published its amendments to the 2014 Uniform Administrative Requirements; and in December 2020, it issued an Addendum to the FY 2020 Audit Compliance Supplement to specifically respond to the federal emergency relief funds related to the coronavirus pandemic.
This course will address the similarities and differences in OMB rules as they pertain to discretionary grant programs; and entitlement programs (Indian Self-Determination Act programs); and will provide a special focus on CARES Act and ARPA compliance and reporting requirements.
Who Should Attend?
Tribal council members, chartered organizations school boards, health boards, tribal, program directors
and managers; tribal grants/contracts staff, finance, and accounting staff; tribal attorneys, tribal
consultants. Federal officials and federal awarding officials, federal contracting officers and their
subordinates should also attend.