$850 SINGLE AUDIT ACT: Preparation & Follow-Up 9/7 to 9/9
9/7 – 9/9 Billings, MT
Why I Should Attend?
The Single Audit Act of 1984 (Pub. L. 98-502; and as amended by the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996) provides that tribes and tribal organizations that expend at least $750,000 annually in federal funds (new threshold under the Super Circular), must conduct single audits, or program specific audits, at least 9 months after the end of their fiscal year. The new OMB Super Circular, at Subpart F, replaced the previous OMB Circular A-133, to provide for consistency and uniformity among federal agencies. Each year the OMB updates a special audit compliance supplement that requires the tribes and their auditors to pay special attention to certain critical aspects of federal programs.
Indian tribes & tribal organizations are required to conduct annual audits as a requirement for receiving Federal assistance. Many tribes, however, experience problems in completing their audits causing contract and grant compliance issues. Some tribes are designated as “High Risk” because they are unable to complete their annual audits. Because they are unable to complete their annual audits, they are often not able to negotiate enter into Indirect Cost Rate Agreements and may have difficulty securing future federal grants. Audit deficiencies and resulting sanctions will impact a tribe’s ability to compete for and receive federal grants.
This course provides detailed instruction of the Single Audit Act, federal audit requirements, how to prepare for annual audits; and how to avoid disallowed costs. Learn what the auditors look for, what federal agencies look for in reviewing your audits; and how to draft & reconcile Statement of Expenditures for Federal Awards (SEFA). It will help you to understand the importance of how performing the basic and routine accounting functions can help avoid disastrous audits.
Who Should Attend?
Tribal council members, chartered organizations school boards, health boards, tribal, program directors and managers; tribal grants/contracts staff, finance and accounting staff; tribal attorneys, tribal planners, grant writers, tribal consultants. Federal officials and federal awarding officials, federal contracting officers and their subordinates should also attend.