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KIVA provides many customized training & events year round. These courses meet annual training certification requirements and we GUARANTEE them with post-training technical assistance. For more information, contact us at  866.202.5482 or [email protected].






KIVA offers a variety of specialized consulting services to tribal nations. Our staff and associates have over 75 years of hands-on experience eager to help reach tribal and individual goals.









KIVA Institute provides quality services to promote capacity building for Indian tribes and tribal organizations, alongside federal and local agency service providers. Our goal is to enhance relationships between Indian tribes and funding agencies, inspire tribal members towards developing a determined mindset and to assist in the preservation of the Indian culture while maintaining their sovereignty.

Indian Self-Determination Act

The Indian Self-Determination & Education Assistance Act, PL 93-638, was passed in January 1975 to provide tribal nations the authority to exercise their sovereign right to assume direct control over the management and operation of programs previously provided to tribes by federal agencies within the Department of the Interior and Department of Health & Human Services. The Act was amended in 1988 to expand the contractible programs and activities that tribes may assume, including construction projects using Subpart J of the implementing regulations, and to provide for Self-Governance Compacts. The BIA, BIE, and IHS used the PL 93-638 statutory authority (25 U.S.C. §5301 et seq.) to allocate Federal Emergency Relief Funds to tribal governments for CARES Act, ARPA and JJIA funds, thus subjecting the funds to PL 93-638 statutes and accompanying regulations (25 CFR Part 900).

This course will explain the PL 93-638 statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to annual funding agreements between tribes and BIA, BIE and IHS. It will explain how the statutes and regulations also apply to Federal Emergency Relief Funds. This course provides a brief overview of construction projects under PL 93-638, but a more detailed coverage will be provided in the PL 93-638 Construction Contracting: Subpart J course.

Who Should Attend?

Tribal council members, chartered organizations school boards, health boards, tribal, program directors and managers; tribal grants/contracts staff, finance and accounting staff; tribal attorneys, tribal consultants. Federal officials and federal awarding officials, federal contracting officers and their subordinates should also attend.

What Will I Learn?

  • Evolution of Federal Indian Law

  • Full Analysis of the Act and Regulations

  • Tribal Sovereign Rights under the Act

  • Tribal Right to Contract all or a Portion of Programs

  • Differences Between Agreements under the Act and Federal Procurement Contracts

  • Contract Declination Criteria and Process

  • Contract Appeals and Disputes

  • Secretarial Funding Levels and Funding Protections

  • Indirect Costs Rates and How They Work

  • Consequences of Indirect Cost Funding Shortfalls

  • Impacts of OMB Super Circular on the Act

  • Special Cost Principles under the Act; and OMB Cost Principles

  • Contract Administration under the Act

  • Overview of Construction Contracting under the Act

  • Single Audit Act and Audit Compliance Supplement

  • Model 108 Contract & Annual Funding Agreements

  • Contract Administration, Reporting, Closeout, Carryover of Savings

Federal Contract And Grant Opportunities
Contracts & Grants Compliance
Tribal Governance Training Series
Tribal Administrative and Management

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Just give us a call: (866) 202-KIVA (5482) or Email us: [email protected]

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